Top Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make When Using Thread Gages

A thread gage can be used to check the form angle, diameter, and pitch of a screw thread or working piece's hole. It's very useful for things like determining which fasteners you need to use when you're assembling or repairing something. If you think that you need to put thread gages to use in your place of business or employment, then you probably want to make sure that you use them the right way.

Buying the Wrong Thread Gage

The first mistake that many people make is purchasing the wrong thread gage for the type of work that they are going to be doing. In many cases, it's a good idea to have multiple thread gages, particularly if you regularly work with different items and fasteners. First, you should determine if you need a metric or standard thread gage. You should make sure it's the right size for your needs. You should also consider the materials that the thread gages are made from when you're purchasing, since this does matter in regards to durability and whether or not you'll be able to use the thread gage on heavier-duty, bigger jobs. You may also want to spend a little more money on a chrome-plated thread gage. These gages typically last much longer, particularly if they are being used with harder materials.

Not Cleaning Your Thread Gage

Some people use thread gages over and over again without cleaning them. This is not usually a good idea, however. This is because thread gages have to be cleaned in order to stay in good condition and in order to give you accurate results. It's a good idea to keep a clean, soft cloth nearby when you're going to be working with thread gages and to get in the habit of cleaning each thread gage each time that you use it.

Using a Worn-Out Thread Gage

If you invest in good-quality thread gages and take good care of them, they'll hopefully last. This is particularly true with chrome-plated thread gages that are made to be more durable. However, they do eventually wear out, and you don't want to use worn-out thread gages if you want to get accurate results. Instead, you should inspect your thread gages regularly for damage and know when it's best to replace them. Keeping a few on hand is even a good idea; then, if you find that one of your thread gages is worn out while you're working, you'll have a spare that you can use.

As you can probably now see, there are a variety of mistakes that people often make when they are working with thread gages. Of course, it's important for you to avoid making all of these mistakes if you want to make the best possible use of your thread gage and if you want to make sure that you're always able to determine exactly which fasteners you need for whatever you're making or working on.

To learn more about British thread gages, contact an industrial equipment supplier today.
