Starting A Masonry Project? 4 Supplies You Need To Have On Hand

If you've decided to tackle a do-it-yourself masonry project, you're going to need a few tools. One of the great things about working with masonry is that once you know how to do it, you can take care of more of your own projects around the house. Here are four masonry supplies you'll need to have on hand before you begin your projects.

Assorted Trowels

When it comes to working with cement, you can never have too many trowels. In fact, as soon as you start your masonry project, you'll discover that you need more than just one trowel. To avoid interruptions in your project, be sure to pick up an assortment of trowels. You'll want a thick trowel for applying the cement and a thin trowel for scraping away the excess. Be sure that your trowels are designed with forged steel blades. They're easier to clean and provide a more durable work edge.


If you're going to be building a block wall or a brick patio, you'll want to have a few jointers on hand. Jointers provide those clean lines between the blocks and bricks. Once the cement has been given some time to set, you'll run the jointers along the seams to create an even line between the blocks or bricks. Jointers come in a variety of sizes and shapes, so pick up a few different ones. That way, you can experiment with the final outcome.

Buckets and Sponges

When you're working on projects involving masonry, you need a few buckets and sponges on hand. Buckets are useful for mixing small amounts of cement. They're also useful for providing quick cleanup for your trowels and jointers. Sponges are essential for removing cement from the surface of your tools. Also, if you're installing tile, you can use sponges to remove the excess mortar and grout. For maximum benefit, you'll want to have at least two buckets. One to fill up with water for cleaning purposes and one to have on hand for mixing small amounts of cement.

Chalk Line

If you're going to be constructing a sidewalk or patio, you'll want to have a masonry chalk line. Chalk lines allow you to create lines to follow while placing your bricks. Without the chalk line, your bricks won't line up properly.

If you're going to be tackling some masonry projects around the house, make sure you have everything you need to get the job done right. The list provided above will help you gather the supplies you'll need for your project.
